
Executive search

What you’ve built at home deserves respect. Venturing to create something similar away from your country will be twice as challenging, and copying the same approach could only make it harder.

That’s why we are here to guide you and your company in your path of expanding your business to the U.S.

Find the right executive in the U.S.

Executives aren’t just employees; they’re the architects of your company’s destiny. Their decisions will determine your business’ success.

Our approach is not just about filling positions; it’s about shaping the future of your organization.

YER USA - Entrepreneur

Expert guidance

YER USA - Interview icon

Personalized service

YER USA - Cultural understanding

Cultural understanding

Our service is not the same for everyone

Your company is unique, with its own set of goals, challenges, and aspirations. That’s why our service isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

When you engage with us, you’ll have a dedicated consultant by your side every step of the way. From the initial conversation to the final hiring decision, your consultant will be there to guide you, provide support, and offer expert advice.

We believe that every company deserves access to top-tier executives, not matter their size.

Our executive search process

YER USA - Intake
Step 1 of 6
Understanding your needs

Our approach begins with knowing you. In a comprehensive intake, we explore your company’s goals, challenges, and leadership expectations, setting a solid foundation for success.

YER USA - Selection
Step 2 of 6
Executive hunt

Our search is comprehensive and targeted. Beyond our network, we reach out to leaders who may not be actively job hunting, using multiple sources to find your ideal match.

YER USA - Shortlist
Step 3 of 6
Selecting the best

We present only top-tier candidates, each with thorough feedback, ensuring that only those who meet your standards make the shortlist.

YER USA - In person interview
Step 4 of 6
Seamless interviews

We coordinate interviews discreetly across time zones, manage NDAs when needed, and protect confidentiality at every step for a smooth process.

YER USA - Virtual interview
Step 5 of 6
Comprehensive assessments

Our service includes 3 complimentary assessments, conducted in-house by accredited professionals, giving you insights into each candidate’s fit and potential.

YER USA - Winning candidate
Step 6 of 6
Offer & negotiation

We facilitate the communication between you and the candidate to help reach a mutual agreement, supporting a seamless final step.

Executive assessments

As part of our executive search service, we offer complimentary behavior assessments for the final three candidates.

Gain vital insights into candidates’ strengths, what drives them, any areas they may struggle with, and how well they fit certain roles.

In addition to our behavior assessments, you can expect:

  • Everything that’s included in our professional recruitment services
  • Assistance with travel arrangements: Confidential searches often require discretion in travel planning for candidates. We handle this responsibility on your behalf, ensuring confidentiality throughout the process.

Companies we work with

American Bolt and Screw Logo
Diener Precision Pumps Logo
ferRobotics logo
gladskin logo
Lugvid Svensson logo
NaturePlanet logo
Reynaers Aluminium logo
Viscom logo
Viscom logo
Schwarze-Robitec logo
Vecoplan Logo
DSI Dantech Logo
DSI Dantech Logo
Pfisterer Logo
Heiber Schroeder Logo
Lemken Logo
Deutz Logo
Komarek Logo
Komarek Logo
Komarek Logo
Komarek Logo
Komarek Logo

Meet our consultants

Discover our team of consultants and find the perfect match for your recruitment needs.

Corsanne Caudill

“Cori” is an Eastern Kentucky native bridging continents in the recruiti...

Meet Corsanne
Denise Kellermann

Born and raised in The Netherlands, Denise holds a BA in Account Managem...

Meet Denise
Gabriele Hegan

A native German, Gabi is a natural entrepreneur. In 2010, she founded Ci...

Meet Gabriele
Kenneth van der Zalm

Born and raised in the Netherlands, Kenneth holds a bachelor’s degree in...

Meet Kenneth
Matthew McBride

Meet Matthew
Olivier Brack

Originally from the French-speaking part of Switzerland, Olivier holds a...

Meet Olivier
Robert Klaassen

Born and raised in The Netherlands, Robert brings extensive expertise in...

Meet Robert
Roger Heid

Born and raised in Switzerland, Roger has over 15 years of experience le...

Meet Roger