
U.S. Drops Covid-19 Testing Requirement for International Travelers

International travelers will no longer need to show proof of a negative coronavirus test before boarding flights to the United States, federal health officials announced Friday. The U.S. was one of the few countries that still required proof of a negative coronavirus test for those arriving from overseas.

The CDC has determined that travelers have access to tools (e.g., vaccines, therapeutics, and recommended prevention measures) and guidance that allow travelers to make informed choices about the use of pre-departure testing and other prevention measures.

The requirement will end at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, June 19th.

The end of the requirement will reduce costs for some travelers since they no longer need to pay for testing. This could spur more interest in international destinations.

Travelers have had delayed international trips, over the fear of testing positive outside of the U.S. and not being able to return. For corporate travelers, the impact was greater as their usually shorter trips were made substantially more difficult by the testing requirement with the risk of being stranded abroad.

It is expected that after the Covid-19 Testing requirement is dropped, Europeans will be more likely to travel to the U.S. and vice versa.

Although Covid Tests are no longer required, travelers who are not U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, lawful permanent residents, or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa must still need to show proof of vaccination before boarding their flight.